In this post on layering rugs, I also gave you this quick tip: "If you find a small rug that you love, but need a larger size, buy two and put them together with carpet tape. This obviously won't work with every rug design, but will definitely work for some!"
In the office makeover above from Southern Living (photos by Roger Davies - design by Fran Keenan), they actually used silk cording to stitch three 4x6 rugs together to make one large rug to fit the space. The cording becomes a design element in the rug.

I found another great idea at Senior home editor, Shane Powers, couldn't afford a runner for his hallway, so he made a long rug by piecing together small floor mats for a one-of-a-kind design. You would obviously have to carefully choose your rugs and layout so that you end up with a great design rather than a hodge podge effect. I love the way his turned out.