Light and air trial, which ended in a series of reflecting pools, punch volume and expand vertically through the house to distribute the reflected light, and activate the interior with rain and snow; further strengthen the blurred boundaries of interior and exterior spaces. This city is home to a warm and intimate home for a family of four that can be transformed into a gathering place for the necessary and have an integral relationship between interior and exterior experience. A large, enclosed, private space volume opaque floating above fully transparent, extroverted space stretching class, under the canopy volume above, into the garden. A collaborative design process led to the architectural and structural innovations that include a vertical post-tensioned concrete thermal mass of the forty-foot cantilevers; pultruded fiberglass flanges wide, filled with closed cell spray foam insulation, aerated concrete and covered with pigmented cement stucco autoclaved; thermally broken floor to ceiling glass curtain walls and sliding door systems.